Hunter Brown

Hunter Brown

brown-hunter-sm            In October of 2014, Hunter and his parents, Jeremy and Hailey, were told the news no family wants to hear: doctors had found cancer in Hunter’s colon. However, after the initial shock, they were given a positive prognosis. Hunter’s colon was surgically removed before his cancer could spread and he did not need chemotherapy.

Hunter’s road to health was not without complications entirely. He had to have an emergency surgery after his intestines became tangled, and several months later he had a colostomy bag connected. Doctors continued to monitor his blood work and scans, and when there was no sign of cancer returning, Hunter’s colostomy bag was removed.

A strict medication regimen and PIC line help keep Hunter hydrated, nourished and growing. He has gained a tremendous amount of weight and his doctors monitor his status closely.

Throughout his journey, Hunter grew very close with his grandparents, “Nana” and “Pa”, who were by his side throughout his ordeal. Unfortunately, this past year Hunter’s Nana and Pa both passed away unexpectedly within a month of one another. His memory of them and his strong will keep him smiling and on the road to stable health.